
Drama series “Fill in the Blanks” to be broadcasted in 160 countries around the world by NHK World JAPAN!

The shocking development and moving conclusion of NHK drama series “Fill in the Blanks” were met with great response from the public this July, following the broadcast of its five episodes. The series is now headed towards a new international turn, as it is set to be broadcasted in 160 countries and territories around the world this fall!

“Fill in the Blanks” will be broadcasted for five consecutive weeks from Sunday October the 16th. In addition, starting the day after they air, the episodes will also be available for streaming for free for a period of one year. The streaming platform can be accessed from the link below. (No registration necessary, streaming also available to residents of Japan.)

▶︎NHK Drama Showcase – NHK WORLD-JAPAN

The world of “Fill in the Blanks” coming to your TV screen around the world very soon! Get your popcorn ready!

<Drama series “Fill in the Blanks” subtitled ver. and dubbed ver.>

【Broadcast】NHK World JAPAN
【Date】10/16(Sunday)〜 For five consecutive weeks
【Time】Subtitled ver. : 9:10AM, 9:10PM Dubbed ver.:3:10PM, 3:10AM(+1)